against blue-green algae

Fighting blue-green algae and their toxines in a fast and effective way

Discover the new, effective and fast solution against cyanobacteria and learn more about the successful treatment at the bathing lake in Belgium.

In only 3 days the camping lake has been cleared from blue-green algae!


When a body of water becomes unbalanced, one organism in particular benefits – cyanobacteria (also known as blue-green algae), because they are much better adapted to challenging conditions than other flora or fauna. This characteristic means that they can very quickly multiply in the unbalanced environment, displacing other species and rapidly worsening the condition of the body of water. 

As an additional risk, cyanobacteria can release toxins that are dangerous to humans and animals.  

You know the problem with blue-green algae? 

Did you know that blue-green algae or cyanobacteria use the nutrient surplus in the water most effectively for themselves and can thus grow extremely quickly? Therefore, direct action is necessary - already at the first signs of cyanobacteria. In this way, bathing bans for bodies of water can be significantly shortened and local recreation areas can be used again.  

With the product development CyanoClear, you get a fast and proven effective solution to combat cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins. 

What are cyanobacteria or blue-green algae and what causes them? 

Background and details 

The basic problem is eutrophication: too many nutrients, too much blue-green algae

Despite their name, blue-green algae are bacteria rather than plants. More precisely, they are cyanobacteria. Like plants, however, they have the ability to photosynthesise, giving them their distinctive blue-green colour. Cyanobacteria are present in all bodies of water, usually in harmless concentrations. However, problems can arise if there is an oversupply of nutrients, for example from agricultural fertilisation, strong leaching or other causes. Phosphates in particular play a key role here, because when it comes to absorbing this substance – which is vital for all organisms – blue-green algae are superior to most competitors because of their incredible adaptability. Furthermore, unlike many plants, cyanobacteria love warm water with a slightly elevated pH value. Conditions like these are optimal for the blue-green algae and they can multiply extremely quickly. 

Some of the consequences of excessive blue-green algae growth: 

  • Formation of strong nerve toxins, which are harmful to humans and possibly even lethal to animals 
  • The blue-green algae living on the water's surface absorb sunlight, thus depriving the plants living underwater of the light they need for photosynthesis 
  • Excessive build-up of biomass leads to oxygen depletion in the trophogenic zone, leading to the formation of toxic gases that can drive a lake towards an ecological tipping point. 

Introducing our latest innovation: CyanoClear.

The active ingredient sodium percarbonate releases hydrogen peroxide in a controlled manner. This has been proven to be  fast and effective at eliminating blue-green algae and reliably neutralising their cyanotoxins. 

How CyanoClear works

Acts within minutes against blue-green algae and their toxins 

CyanoClear releases hydrogen peroxide from sodium percarbonate. This not only destroys the cell structure of the blue-green algae by oxidation, but, unlike conventional methods, also neutralises the dangerous toxins produced by cyanobacteria. The first effects appear a few minutes after application, and the full effect against the toxins released comes into force within 48 hours. The water quality improves immediately and further spreading of the blue-green algae is curbed – and ultimately stopped. If the correct dosage is used, other flora and fauna are not affected because pollutants are not produced and CyanoClear breaks down without leaving any residue. The final products of the chemical process are water and oxygen. The innovative way that CyanoClear works is therefore more efficient than conventional methods. 

Efficient due to the effect on the water's surface 

Cyanobacteria have the advantage of being able to rise to the surface of the water to photosynthesise. Their gas vacuoles provide the necessary buoyancy. CyanoClear exploits this specific characteristic of blue algae, in that the granulate is applied to the surface of the water and takes effect there. This makes it suitable not only for standing bodies of water, but also for large to very large rivers

The advantages at a glance 

  • Fast, effective and targeted destruction of the cell structure of cyanobacteria 
  • Reliable neutralisation of the released toxins within 48 h
  • Simultaneous increase of the oxygen content in the water through direct release of oxygen
  • Decomposes after the active phase into decomposition products of natural origin already present in the water
  • Easy dosage and long-term storage due to granulate form
  • Not subject to the maximum residue limit regulation (EG) Nr. 396/2005


This is what independent experts of the university in Debrecen said after the laboratory tests:

"… an effective algaecide against the cyanobacterial toxins in the study…" 

"… one of the most cost-effective algaecide…" 

"… no negative impact on the otherwise occurring phytoplankton and resulting increase in its relative abundance…"


Rapid intervention is essential –
CyanoClear is the optimal solution

Immediate action is essential in order to avert dangerous situations arising from a blue-green algae bloom. Otherwise, Cyanobacteria can spread too quickly, introducing too much biomass and dangerous toxins into the water. CyanoClear should therefore be kept in stock so that it can be applied at the first signs of a blue-green algae bloom, as this will prevent swimming areas from having to be closed or major damage such as fish mortality. Even if you only anticipate a blue-green algae bloom because of incidents in the past, it's worth having CyanoClear ready in advance. In contrast to liquid preparations, CyanoClear granulate can optimally be stored even over long periods. And you can take immediate action when the first symptoms appear. It's easy to handle too, because having CyanoClear as a granulate makes dosing and application far easier than with liquid agents.  

Please make sure that you use algaecides safely. Always read the label and product information. 


First application of CyanoClear

First aid for the Ganges 

In May 2021, the northern Indian city of Varanasi experienced an extremely large blue-green algae bloom in the Ganges river. The fact that blue-green algae produces very strong toxins is particularly problematic here because the river is used for bathing, washing clothes and giving water to animals. Having just established a local branch office, OASE Professional decided to administer first aid to the river with a test application of CyanoClear. 

On 14 and 15 June 2021, CyanoClear was applied to the Ganges. Just three hours after the first application, the amount of visible blue-green algae had been significantly reduced and the toxins had been neutralised. Neeraj Gahlawat, Project Officer at the National Mission for Clean Ganga, was very relieved about the quick effect and sent a thank-you letter to OASE Professional. 

You are interested in the product, know the problem of blue-green algae and are looking for quick help? 

The effectiveness of CyanoClear is scientifically proven. After its first successful use in the Ganges in India, bodies of water in Europe and across the globe have been treated against blue-green algae. Contact us now if you have already had problems with blue-green algae blooms in previous years. 

Get your blue-green algae problem under control quickly and in time.